Index for words including 訓


Teach, Instruct, Train

Word Links for words containing 訓 (sorted via character pairs)

訓 xunˋ
Teach, Instruct, Train

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


訓練 Training, Practice

徒手訓練 Body weight training, Calisthenics

基礎醫療訓練 Basic medical training

太空任務的訓練 Astronaut training, Astronaut mission training

律令文書的訓練 Legal Document training

訓練 Trainee

開始訓練 Began training

訓練肌肉那樣地練習 Exercised it like a muscle

訓練有素 Trained, Well trained

是個訓練有素的殺人機器 A well trained killing machine


訓話 Encourage, Exhort, Lecture

精神訓話 Pep talk, Encouraging talk or speech


訓誡 Admonish, Lecture

訓誡的口吻 Admonishing tone, Lecturing tone


受訓 Trained, Training

學校受訓 Training school, Training

帶職受訓 Receive training, On-the-job training

候補軍官學校受訓 Officer Candidate School


教訓 Admonish, Teach, Scold, Moral, Lesson, Instruction

聽我說些教訓 Listen to me and learn something

有些人就是學不會教訓 Some people never learn

需要教訓他一下 He needs to be taught a lesson

需要教訓她一下 She needs to be taught a lesson


培訓 Training

培訓 Course, Training class

培訓計劃 Training program


校訓 School motto

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