Index for words including 相

xiang¯, xiangˋ

Mutual, Together, Accompany, Side By Side, Towards Each Other, Look At, Examine, Similar, Alike, (Xiang4), Picture, Photo, Countenance, Study

Word Links for words containing 相 (sorted via character pairs)

相 xiang¯, xiangˋ
Mutual, Together, Accompany, Side By Side, Towards Each Other, Look At, Examine, Similar, Alike, (Xiang4), Picture, Photo, Countenance, Study

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


肝膽相照 Deeply sincere


聲息相聞 Keep in touch


相關 Relevant, Associated, Related

息息相關 Closely related

毒品相關 Drugs related

疫苗施打相關 Vaccine related

須立即採取相關 Require immediate action, Requiring immediate action, Must take immediate action

相關優點 Relative merits, Relative advantages

毒品相關職業 Drug related occupations

一幅相關的圖照 A relevant photo, A relevant image


相思 Think of each other, Pine for each other, Forget me nots

相思 Unrequited love


相見 Seeing, Meeting

老友相見 See an old friend, Seing an old friend

老友相見的愉悅心情 The pleasure of seing an old friend


相同 The same, Same, Alike

完全相同 Identical, Exactly the same

各地不盡相同 Varied from place to place

在基因上相同 Genetically the same, Not genetically different

樣子大不相同 Look very different, Looked very different, Changed a lot

跟他上次來的樣子大不相同 Looked very different from the last time he came, Had changed a lot since last he came

相同大小 Same size, Same sized

相同的論 Same result, Same theory, Same argument

相同的行為 The same behaviour, The same conduct

相同的軸心 Same axis

世界大不相同 The world was very different, The world has changed, The world had changed

得到相同的結論 To arrive at the same solution, To get the same solution

相同的高昂精神 Same elevated spirit, Same spirit

也差不多能達到相同的功能 Would have done roughly the same thing, Would have served roughly the same function

相同風格 The same style

相同風格 Used the same style


相助 Help, Help out


相除 Divided, Divide

兩多項式相除 Divide two polynomials, Divides two polynomials, Dividing two polynomials, Divided two polynomials

當兩多項式相除 While dividing two polynomials


相比 Compared, Compared to

相比之下 By contrast


相約 Meet


相繼 In succession, One after another


相矛 Self-contradict, Self-contradictory, Inconsistent


相反 The opposite, Contrary

完全相反 Completely opposite, Are completely the opposite, Are in complete opposition, Are exactly opposite

恰恰相反 On the contrary

我的想法相反 I am of the opposite opinion, My opinion is the complete opposite

我的想法正好相反 It seems as if I am of the opposite opinion

相反 Opposite number, Additive inverse

和大多數人的想法相反 Contrary to what most people think, Contrary to what the majority think


相與 Together


相片 Photograph, Photo, Picture

拍攝相片 Take a picture

偶然看見他的相片 Came across a picture of him, Came across his photograph

相片風格 Picture style

自訂相片風格 Custom picture styles, Customizing picture styles

註冊相片風格 Registering (saving) a picture style

選擇相片風格 Selecting a picture style

拍攝相片 When it's time to take a picture


相仿 Alike, Similar

官階相仿 Similar rank, Same rank

官階相仿的軍官 Similar ranking officers, Officers of similar rank, Officers with the same rank


相伴 Accompany, Accompanying, Accompanied, Act as a companion, Acting as a companion

由幾個小朋友相伴 Accompanied by several children, Along with several children


相似 Similar, Alike

相似 Synonym


相位 Phase, Phased

相位聲波陣列 Phased-acoustic-array, Phased-audio-array

相位聲波陣列系統 Phased-audio-array system, Phased-array audio systems


相依 Interdependent, Dependent on each other

脣齒相依 Mutually dependent

相依為命 Depend on each other


相信 Believe, Believing, Believed, Have faith in, Had faith in

相信 Do not believe, Did not believe, Does not believe, Do not trust, Did not trust, Does not trust

相信 Completely certain, Convinced

相信 Want to believe, Wants to believe, Wanting to believe, Wanted to believe

不再相信 No longer believed, No longer believed in, No longer had faith in

不太相信 Not (entirely) convinced, Not completely certain

不敢相信 Don't believe it, Won't believe it, Couldn't believe

不願相信 Didn't want to believe, Unwilling to believe

他不相信 He does not believe, He did not believe

十分相信 Believe completely

她不相信 She does not believe, She did not believe

滿心相信 Certain, Full heartedly

不十分相信 Didn't really believe it

他還是相信 He still believed, He believed

千萬別相信 Do not believe…

不要隨便相信 Don't be so trusting

卻不十分相信 But didn't really believe it

還打從骨子裡相信 Accepted in my bones, Believed to my bones

相信 Convinced

相信 Believe him, Believed him

相信 Believe me, Trust me

相信這一點 I believe this, I believe that

他之前相信的一切 Everything he'd believed until recently

他不相信我說的一切 He doesn't believe anything that I say

就當我相信了吧 Say I'm convinced, Consider me convinced

他不再相信的女神 The goddess he no longer believed in

相信行為有善有惡 Believe that some actions are good and others bad

相信某件事並不會讓它方真 Believing something doesn't make it true

好像簡直不敢相信頭髮被剪得那麼醜 As if not believing how bad the haircut was


相傳 Passed down from generation to generation, Shared, Imparted, Transmitted

透過各族群口耳相傳的傳說故事 Go through each groups oral history


另眼相看 See From A Different Perspective And So Treat Differently Than Usual


相愛 Love each other, In love

相親相愛 Be kind to each other and love each other


相待 Treat


相符 Correspond to, Match

相符 Corresponding, Matching, Tallying


相等 Equal, Equivalent

是否相等 Are the same or not

把蛋糕切成相等的四分 Cut the cake into four equal pieces


相簿 Album

這幾本相簿 These few albums


聲氣相求 Share similar interests


相親 Kind to each other

相親相愛 Be kind to each other and love each other


相識 Met, Become acquainted

似曾相識 Deja vu

素不相識 Strangers

相識敬愛 Known and loved


相容 Compatibility


相輔相成 Complement each other


相應 Corresponding

相應不理 Ignore, Not answer, Pay no heed to


相近 Close, Approximate


相通 Connected

情誼相通 Friendship, Fellowship


相逢 Meet, Encounter

相逢 Happy encounter

萍水相逢 Meet by chance


相連 Connect, Connected

相連 Isolated, Not connected, Disconnected


相遇 Meet


相對 Corresponding, Relative

遙遙相對 Face off at a distance, Face each other from far away

針鋒相對 Tit for tat

相對 Relative, Corresponding

相對 Relative to

相對於腳 Relative to the foot, Relative to the feet

相對而言 Relatively speaking


相差 Difference, Differ


相當 Considerable, Appropriate, Balance, Equivalent, Match, Considerably, Quite

實力相當 Matched in strength

旗鼓相當 Well matched, Of equal ability, Of equal strength

相當 Equivalent to

相當巨大 Quite large, Considerably larger

相當沉重 Quite heavy

切得相當大塊 Cut into quite large chunks

相當高的程度 Quite a high level, Quite a high degree

相當於多少莫耳 Is equivalent to how many moles?

相當興奮 Rather excited

感到相當興奮 Felt rather excited

同時感到相當興奮 At the same time felt rather excited


相互 Mutual, Reciprocal, Each other

短暫相互映襯 Brief contrast


相干 Related, Connected, Having to do with

也許沒什麼相干 Maybe it's nothing, It's probably nothing, It's probably not what we are looking for


相配 Match, Matches, Suit, Go well together

相配 Not a good match, Not suited to each other

終究不相配 In the end were not suited to each other, It turned out that they weren't suited to each other


相聚 Meet, Gather, Assemble


相上 Comparable


相處 Time spent together, Spend time together, Get along with, Live together

朝夕相處 Get along day and night

曾經相處十年 Known each other for 10 years, 10 year association

自己相處的時間 Time together with oneself

與自己相處的時間 Time together with oneself

難得享受與自己相處的時間 Rarely enjoy time with oneself


相聲 Comic dialogue


相加 Add up, Add together, Sum up


相本 Old photo album


相機 Camera

自訂相機 Customizing the camera

穩固握持相機 Hold camera steady

相機震動 Camera shake

避免相機震動 Prevent camera shake, Prevent camera from shaking

防止相機震動 Preventing camera shake

檢查相機設定 Check camera settings

回復相機預設設定 Revert Camera to Default Settings

相機的距離變更 Camera distance changes, Distance to camera changes

以降低因相機震動而產生的模糊 To reduce blur caused by camera shake

相機會發出提示音 Camera beeper will sound, Camera will emit a beep (or beeping) sound

同時相機會發出提示音 At the same time the camera beeper will sound


相狎 Come together, Be intimate


短兵相接 Close quarter battle, Hand-to-hand combat


相提並論 On a par


相擁 Hugged, Huddled

相擁一起 Huddled together

相擁團圓 Hugged, Reunited


相較 Compared to, Compared with

相較 Compared to, Compared with


相輔相成 Complement each other


照相 Take a picture, Take a photograph

照相 Camera

很少拿著照相 Seldom takes a camera along

照相寫實主義 Photorealism

照相機你會用嗎 Can you use a camera

照相機的閃光燈 Camera's flash

這種照相機我會用 I can use this type of camera


將相 Generals and Ministers


變相 Disguise, Disguised, Changed only in appearance


長相 Appearance


亮相 Revealed, Showing, Displaying

亮相 Revealed, Showing, Displaying


競相 Compete


洋相 Make a fool of one's self, Act awkwardly

洋相 Make a fool of yourself

讓他們出洋相 Make a spectacle of them, Making a spectacle of them, Made a spectacle of them


首相 Prime Minister


互相 Mutually, Together with

互相問好 Say hello to each other, Greet each other

互相幫助 Help each other

互相捕殺 Hunting each other

互相照顧 Take care of each other, Look after each other, Look out for each other

互相陪伴 Keep each other company


真相 Truth

事故真相 Real cause of an accident, The real cause of the accident

揭露真相 Show truth, Uncover truth, Reveal the truth

洞燭真相 See the obvious

隱瞞真相 Hide the truth, Cover up the truth

不能揭露真相 Could not show the truth

要是讓他知道真相 If he knew the truth

要是讓她知道真相 If she knew the truth


在相 Open (e.g. a book)

在相同的 On the same, At the same

在相同的軸心上 On the same axis

在相片拍攝完成之前 While picture is being taken

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