Index for words including 炸

zhaˊ, zhaˋ

Fry, Deep Fry, Scald, (Zha4), Explode, Bomb

Word Links for words containing 炸 (sorted via character pairs)

炸 zhaˊ, zhaˋ
Fry, Deep Fry, Scald, (Zha4), Explode, Bomb

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


炸彈 Bomb

七分鐘炸彈 Seven minute time bomb


炸毀 Blown up

炸毀 Blown up, Been blown up


炸無骨雞排 Fried Boneless Chicken


炸雞 Fried chicken


炸成 Blast, Blast apart

炸成了灰燼 Blast completely into ashes

炸成了碎片 Blown up, Blasted to pieces


炸涼 Jellied Meatballs That Are Fried Then Cooled


炸藥 Dynamite, Explosives

定時炸藥 Dynamite on a timer

我把一束炸藥丟到他身上 I dropped a bunch of dynamite on him, I threw a bundle of dynamite on him


炸豬 Fried pork strips


炸死 Blow to death, Blown to death

炸死 Blow him up and kill him

炸死 And the explosion kills

沒有炸死 The explosion didn't kill him, He didn't die in the explosion


爆炸 Explosion, Detonation

煙火爆炸 Pyrotechnic explosion

鍋爐爆炸 Boiler explosion

如看著爆炸 Like watching an explosion

景象有如看著爆炸 It was like watching an explosion

爆炸 Explosive ordnance, Explosive

爆炸 Explosive

爆炸 Exploding pen

爆炸 Detonation point, Center of the explosion, Center of an explosion

爆炸表面 Detonation surface, Detonation surfaces, Explosion front

爆炸解體 Explode and disintegrate, Blow up, Blow apart

爆炸品處理課 Bomb disposal unit, Explosive ordinance disposal unit

爆炸中受了極嚴重的傷 Were seriously injured in the explosion, Was badly hurt in the explosion

爆炸的物質 Explosive substances, Explosive substance

可能爆炸的物質 Potentially explosive substances, Potentially explosive substance


酥炸 Crispy fried

酥炸鯛魚芒果沙拉 Crispy Snapper And Mango Salad


轟炸 Bombing

俯衝轟炸 Dive bomber

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