Index for words including 控


Control, Manage, Manipulate, Accuse, Charge, Draw a bow, Throw, Hit

Word Links for words containing 控 (sorted via character pairs)

控 kongˋ
Control, Manage, Manipulate, Accuse, Charge, Draw a bow, Throw, Hit

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


控學 Cybernetics


控制 Controls, Controller, Control, Manipulate, Moderate, Dominate

價格控制 Price control

可以控制 To control, Can control, Able to control, Able to harness, Can harness, Could harness

很難控制 Difficult to control

更要控制 Also want to manage

環境控制 Environmental controls

自主控制 Self control, Self controls, Self controlling, Self controlled

感覺和控制 Feel and control, Sense and control

神經機械控制 Cybernetic

學會了如何控制 Learned to control it, Learned how to control it

這類元件很難控制 It was difficult to control these devices

只是學會了如何控制 Just learned to control it

控制 Controlled

控制 Controlled, Managed

控制 Control panel

控制 Control pad

控制 Control room

主要控制 Main area of control

控制中心 Control center

地面控制中心 Ground Control

控制資源 Control resources, Controls resources, Controlling resources, Controlled resources

控制車頭 Steering

姿態控制火箭 Attitude control thrusters

控制物質進出 Control the entry and exit of substances

更要控制飲食 Also want to manage (one's) diet

地面控制中心的 Ground Control's

可以控制火焰大小 To control the size of the flame, To control flame size

控制絕大多數的力量 Could for the most part control their ability

自主控制呼吸 Self controlled breathing, Autonomous breath control, Autonomous breathing control

我剛才是自主控制呼吸 I just controlled my breathing

讓他更能控制自己的法力 Gave him more control over his magical powers

讓她更能控制自己的法力 Gave her more control over her magical powers


控告 Accuse, Sue


控畫 Control screen

控畫 Quick control screen


監控 Monitor, Surveil, Surveillance

監控 Monitoring device, Monitoring unit, Surveillance device

監控設備 Surveillance equipment


失控 Out of control, Uncontrollable, Uncontrollably

局面失控 Situation getting out of control


調控 Control


遙控 Remote control

遙控升空 Remote launch into space

遙控手柄 Remote control (device)

遙控飛機 Remote control aircraft

遙控無人機 Remotely piloted vehicle, Drone


掌控 Control

我的掌控 My control

掌控 Controlled

在我的掌控之中 Under my control


聲控 Voice-activated, Voice-controlled


指控 Accuse, Accusation


操控 Control, Operate, Manipulate

操控 Controlled, Used, Operated

操控 Controller, Manipulator

操控 Controlled, Enslaved

操控媒體 Media manipulation

操控個別原子 Manipulate individual atoms

操控媒體的技巧 Media manipulation techniques, Media manipulation tactics, Tactics of media manipulation

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