Index for words including 慣


Habitual, Customary, Used To, Usual Tendencies, Inertia, Spoil A Child

Word Links for words containing 慣 (sorted via character pairs)

慣 guanˋ
Habitual, Customary, Used To, Usual Tendencies, Inertia, Spoil A Child

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


慣例 Convention, Practice

交易慣例 Business practice

正常的交易慣例 Normal business practice, Standard business practice


慣性 Inertia


司空見慣 Commonplace


嬌慣 Spoiled


習慣 Habit, Customs, Usual practice, Get used to, Accustomed to

已經習慣 Gotten used to it, Fallen into the habit of

是去習慣 Is to get used to, Are getting used to, For getting used to

有個習慣 Have a habit, Has a habit, Had a habit

運動的好習慣 Exercise regularly

習慣 Customarily, Habitually

習慣 Inertia, Habitual

習慣 Idiom, Habitual saying

久了就會習慣 After a while will get used to it, Will get used to it after a while

你遲早會習慣 You'll get used to it, You'll get used to it sooner or later

妳遲早會習慣 You'll get used to it, You'll get used to it sooner or later

習慣成自然 Habit is second nature

習慣往下瞄準一點 Get used to aiming a little lower


熟慣 Familiar

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