Index for words including 意


Mind, Idea, Thought, Meaning, Mood, Intent, Consciousness, Point Of View, Italy, Translit for I

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


意味 Imply, Mean, Meaning

評論意味 Critical, Critically

帶有敷衍意味 Perfunctorily, In a perfunctory manner

意味 Imply, Implies

意味 This means, This implies

這難道不是意味 Doesn't this imply


意圖 Intent, Intention


意即 That means, Means that


意思 Idea, Meaning, Implication

什麼意思 What do you mean?

這句話的意思 The meaning of this sentence

你到底什麼意思 What do you mean?, What are you trying to get at?

你知道我的意思 You know what I mean.

我就是這個意思 That's exactly what I mean, That's exactly what I meant

不管那是什麼意思 Whatever that meant

那句話是什麼意思 What that phrase meant, What does that phrase mean

了解那句話是什麼意思 Understood the meaning of the phrase

因此如果我聽懂你的意思 If I understand what you mean, If I'm following you

意思一樣 The same meaning

意思是說 You mean to say

一件意思的事情 An interesting matter, An interesting thing to do

主要的意思是什麼 What's the main idea?

在現代用法上意思就是 In the modern usage meant that


意見 Opinion, Suggestion, Idea, Proposal, Advice, Point of view

有什麼意見 Had a problem with, Had an opinion of


意旨 Meant, Meaning, Intent, Intention, Wish, Will


意願 Inclination, Wish, Volition, Ability to do as one wishes, Power to make decisions for one's self

意願不強 Not strongly motivated, Lacking will-power, Weak-willed


意興 Enthusiasm


心猿意馬 Indecisive, Fickle, Capricious


意象 Imagery


意外 Unexpected, Accidental, Surprising, Surprised

意外 Not unexpected, Not surprising

意外 Unexpectedly

意外 An accident

好不意外 Off course, Not unexpected, Not surprising

感到意外 Shock, Surprise

讓人意外 Unexpected, Surprising

這類意外 These kind of unexpected, These kind of accidental, Mishaps like this

想也不意外 Not unexpected, Not surprising

毫不令人感到意外 Not surprisingly

意外成為 Unexpectedly became

意外降臨 Unforeseen circumstances

預防意外傷害 Prevent accidental injury

有一天意外降臨在你身上 If unforeseen circumstances befall you

讓這類意外成為不再有的事 Made this sort of mishap a thing of the past


心慌意亂 Perturbed, Panicky, Shaken

心慌意亂地想 Worriedly wondered, Thought of worriedly


意向 Intention


意識 Consciousness

意識 Subconscious, Unconscious, Not consciously aware of

意識 Subconscious

自我意識 Self-conscious, Self aware

身體意識 Body awareness

漸漸恢復意識 Gradually came to, Gradually regained consciousness

意識 Realizes, Realized

讓他意識 Made him realize, Reminded him

讓她意識 Made her realize, Reminded her

直到他意識 Until he realizes, Until he realized

自覺地意識 Consciously realized

深埋在下意識 Buried deep in the layer of the subconscious

意識清醒 Conscious

自覺地意識到這點 Consciously realized this, Consciously realized it

意識到自己在做這件事 Realized what they were doing

是否意識到自己在做這件事 Whether or not they realized what they were doing

她是否意識到自己在做這件事 Whether or not she realized what she was doing


我不以為意的 I indifferently said, I uncaringly said


合併段意法 Combined section meanings method


意料 Expectations

出人意料 Surprisingly

出乎自己的意料 Contrary to his own expectations, Surprised himself

意料 Expectations

出人意料 Surprisingly

自己的意料 Their own expectation

出乎自己的意料 Contrary to their own expectations

意料之外 Unexpected


意義 Meaning, Significance

變得失去意義 Lost meaning, Lost its meaning

見識致命的意義 See the meaning of fatal, Show the meaning of fatal, Know the meaning of fatal, Experience the meaning of fatal first hand

思考一下顛覆這個詞的意義 Ponder the meaning of the word subversive

意義及用法 Meaning and use, Meaning and usage, Meaning and how to use

意義與重要性 Meaning and importance


意不 Sorry


意志 Volition, Will power

意志 Willpower

意志 Through willpower, Rely on willpower, Relying on willpower, Through sheer force of will

我努力集中意志 I strive to concentrate all of my willpower, I strived to concentrated all of my willpower, I strive to focus all of my willpower, I strived to focus all of my willpower


意大 Italy


意想不到 Unexpected, Out of the blue, Surprising


意指 Meant, Meaning, Intent, Intention, Wish, Will


屬意 Prefer, Have a preference for


民意 Public opinion


貼心貼意 Amiable, Satisfying


同意 Agree, Allow, Consent to, Agreed, Allowed, Consented to, Same idea, Have the same idea, Had the same idea

同意 Not agree

完全同意 Full consent, Completely agree

他只好同意 He has no choice but to agree

可能不會同意 Might beg to differ, Probably wouldn't agree

同意 Agreed


用意 Intention


隨意 At one's will, As one pleases

隨意離開 Can leave at will, Iss able to leave at will

美麗愉快的草原隨意放牧 Happy pastures ranged at will, Grazing freely in happy grasslands


如意 As one wishes

萬事如意 May you get all that you wish for


好意 Kindness

好意 Have the nerve (to)

好意 Apologetic, Apologetically, Feel shame, Felt shame, Felt embarrassed, Embarrassed

很不好意 Very sorry, Ashamed, Embarrassed

我很不好意 I am sorry, I am ashamed


樂意 Willing

非常樂意 Heavenly, Wonderful


經意 Inadvertently


綠意 Greenery, Vegetation, Lush green


原意 Original intention


願意 Willing, Want to

願意 Unwilling, Won't, Doesn't want to

願意 Will you

倘若她願意 If she is willing to, If she was willing to

孩子們都高叫願意 The children all screamed yes

願意 Willing to spend

願意保持下去 Liked to maintain it, Liked to keep it

願意花一千多塊 Willing to spend over a thousand dollars

願意吻他 Willing to kiss him, Wouldn't mind kissing him

她也願意吻他 She also wouldn't mind kissing him

願意用一切交換一個機會 Willing to do anything for the chance to, Willing to do anything in exchange for the chance to

願意用一切交換一個機會 I'd do anything for the chance to, I'd give anything for the chance to


留意 Stay alert, Keep an eye out for, Pay attention, Attention

還有留意 Stay alert, Keep an eye out for

需要你留意 Require your attention, Requires you attention

留意 Picked up on, Noticed, Recognized, Realized


肆意 At will, Without restraint, indulgently, Recklessly


特意 Specially


生意 Trade, Business, Business operation, Operation, Vitality

生意 Do business, Doing business

一起做生意 Do business together

基本生意入門 Basic business understanding, Basic grasp of business


失意 Frustrated, Disappointed

情場失意 Frustrated in (the arena of) love


無意 Have no interest in, Have no intention of doing

那樣做毫無意義啊 Doing that is pointless, It's pointless, There's no point

無意 Unconsciously

無意 Inadvertently, Accidentally, Unintentionally

無意 Meaningless, Pointless

是毫無意義的事 Was pointless, Had no point

他覺得花錢在不需要的東西上是毫無意義的事 He thinks it's pointless spending money on things she doesn't need, He thought it was pointless spending money on things he didn't need, He didn't see the point in spending money on things she didn't need

她覺得花錢在不需要的東西上是毫無意義的事 She thinks it's pointless spending money on things she doesn't need, She thought it was pointless spending money on things she didn't need, She didn't see the point in spending money on things she didn't need


任意 Arbitrary, At will

任意 Any number

對於任意 For any number


正合我意 Exactly what I'm hoping for


得意 Proud

得意 Very proud

心裡好得意 Feel really proud

得意揚揚 Triumphant

得意咯咯大笑 Chortle, Chortling

毀了他得意的日子 Ruined his day

毀了她得意的日子 Ruined her day


笑意 Smile

面帶笑意 Smiling face, Happy face


不以為意 Unmindful, Indifferent, Uncaring, Paid no heed to, Ignored, Disregarded, Uncaringly, Disapprovingly


主意 Idea, Suggestion

主意 Idea

主意 Good idea

餿主意 Bad idea, Rotten idea

有好主意 Have a good idea, Had a good idea

改變了主意 Changed their mind

抱怨會是該死的餿主意 Complaining was a goddam bad idea


率意 Spur of the moment, Act on spur of moment, Utmost sincerity


刻意 Deliberately Painstaking, Painstakingly, Devotedly, Sedulously, Exactingly

未必是刻意 Probably not deliberately, Perhaps not deliberate, Perhaps not intentionally

刻意吸一大口氣 Deliberately take a big breath, Deliberately takes a big breath, Deliberately taking a big breath, Deliberately took a big breath

刻意吸一大口氣 Deliberately take another big breath, Deliberately takes another big breath, Deliberately taking another big breath, Deliberately took another big breath

未必是刻意這麼做 Probably didn't do it intentionally


敵意 Enmity, Hostility, Antagonistic, Hostile

潛在敵意 Latent hostility


詞意 Meaning, General meaning, Gist


語意 Semantics, Use of words to convey meaning


誠意 Good faith, Sincere

誠心誠意 Earnestly and in good faith

誠意 Sincere

誠意的關懷 Sincere concern


寒意 Chill


寓意 Meaning


實意 Sincerity

真心實意 Genuinely and sincerely, Truly and wholeheartedly


沒意 Not interested, Uninteresting, Without meaning

沒意 Meaningless, Uninteresting, Uninterested

沒意料到 The surprise, The unexpectedness, Surprise, Unexpected, Unexpectedly


注意 Pay attention, Attention, Notice, Note!

注意 Be noticed

注意 Pay attention to, Pay attention

注意 Take care (to), Note that, Note

引人注意 Attract attention, Attention attracting presence, Presence

不希望被注意 Didn't want to be noticed

什麼都沒注意 Didn't notice anything

太過緊張什麼都沒注意 Too nervous to notice anything

注意 Notice, Noticed, Focus on, Focused on

注意 Attention, Concentration

注意 He noticed

注意 Not notice, Hadn't noticed

注意 Please pay attention lest you suffer the consequences

似乎沒注意 Seemed not to notice, Seemed to ignore

他努力集中注意 He's trying to focus, He tried to focus

她努力集中注意 She's trying to focus, She tried to focus

對細節勤奮的注意 Diligent attention to detail

你對細節勤奮的注意 Your diligent attention to detail

注意事項 Handling precautions, Points to be aware of

注意到了 Focused on, Focuses on

注意安全 Stay safe, Be safe

注意幾點 Pay attention to a few points, A few points to note

有人在注意我們 We are being watched

注意到奇怪的事 Noticed something strange, Noticed something peculiar

注意我們的體重 Notice our weight, Notice our body weight, Notice that our weight

可以注意到的地方 Could keep an eye on

注意最大的壓力點 Notice the point of greatest pressure

她的注意力集中在他身上 Her awareness was focused on him

注意右側來車 Be aware of vehicles approaching from the right

下車時請注意右側來車 Be aware of vehicles approaching from the right when getting off of the bus

下車時請注意後方來車 Pay attention to vehicles approaching from the rear when getting off of the bus


涵意 Connotation, Suggestive of

所有直的涵意 All those connotations of straightness


澄心清意 Calm the heart and clear the mind


滿意 Satisfied, Content, Satisfaction, Contentment

滿意 Will be satisfied, Would be satisfied, Satisfied

十分滿意 Completely satisfied, Deeply satisfied

近乎滿意 Nearly satisfied

似乎很滿意 Seems satisfied

心裡好滿意 Feel very satisfied, Feel content

滿意 Approvingly

滿意確定 Fully sure, Determine to one's satisfaction, Satisfied

等他滿意確定 When he was fully sure, When he had determined to his satisfaction


悔意 Remorse


愜意 Satisfied, Content, Happy


心意 Intention, Idea, Regard

心意一決 With mind made up


差強人意 Barely satisfactory


介意 Mind, Be bothered

介意 Don't mind, Didn't mind, Not bothered, Wasn't bothered

不太介意 Didn't mind so much

我不介意 I don't mind

我不會介意 I'm not bitter, I'm not bothered

介意 Wouldn't mind doing, Would not be adverse to doing

不太介意這些噪音 Didn't mind the noise so much


全心全意 Whole heartedly


合意 Agreeable, To one's liking, Suited


含意 Meaning, Implication


會意 Get the hint, Understand, Got the hint, Understood, Associative compounds, one of six classifications for Chinese characters


創意 Creative, Ingenious

創意拍攝 Creative shooting (pictures taking)

創意自動拍攝 Creative auto shooting (picture taking)


如果我沒有會錯意 If I understand correctly


歉意 Apology

半帶著歉意 Almost apologetically, Almost in apology, Half in apology


善意 Bona fide


敬意 Respect, Regards, Honor


蓄意 Deliberately


曲意 Bend to the will of another, Make concessions


一心一意 One heart and one mind, Focused, Whole heartedly


致意 Convey one's regards or best wishes

致意 General idea


惡意 Malicious, Spiteful, Sinister, Evil


出其不意 Catch off-guard, Catch someone off-guard

一個出其不意 A suprise


三心兩意 Vacillating, Unsure, Hesitant, Half hearted


三心二意 Vacillating, Unsure, Hesitant, Half hearted


示意 Indicate(s), Denote, Show, Illustrate

示意 Schematic diagram


玩意 Toy, Toys, Plaything, Thing, Things, Device, Gadget

不同玩意 Different toys, Different things, Different gadgets, Different stuff

機器玩意 Mechanical device, Robotic device, Mechanical toy

癖好玩意 Fetish, Fetishes, Addictive devices, Habitually used devices

玩意 Thing


故意 Intentionally, Deliberately, Willfully, Purposefully, On purpose

故意折磨 Torture, Deliberately torture, Tortured, Torturing

我不是故意 I didn't mean it, I didn't do it on purpose

故意留道疤痕 Intentionally leave a scar

故意提高音量說 With an intentionally raised voice, Deliberately raising their voice


執意 Insist on


摯意 Sincerity


臨時起意 Impromptu, Spur of the moment, In an offhand way, In an impromptu manner


畫意 Mood of a painting, The feel of a painting


盡意 To one's heart's content, Fully express an idea


大意 Main idea

粗心大意 Rash and careless, Thoughtless, Inadvertent


來意 Objectives of a visit, Purpose of a personal call

你的來意 Your business, Your reason for this visit


本意 Original intention


有意 Have a purpose, Purposeful, Intend, Show interest, Be interested, Be inclined to

有意 I intend

有意 Interesting

有意 Meaningful, Significant, Makes sense

有意 Meaningless, Insignificant, Worthless

有意 Very interesting, Quite interesting

比較有意 More interesting

有意思的 Interesting

說了什麼有意義的話 Said something meaningful, Said something significant

不是什麼有意義的字句 Not anything that makes sense


在意 Mind, Take to heart, Care about, Take notice of

在意 Didn't mind, Wasn't bothered, Untroubled

也不在意 Wasn't at all bothered, Was untroubled

沒人在意 Nobody cares, Nobody minds

真正在意 Really cares about, Truly cares about

在意 Subconsciousness

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