Index for words including 必


Must, Certainly, Necessary, Will

Word Links for words containing 必 (sorted via character pairs)

必 biˋ
Must, Certainly, Necessary, Will

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


可爾必思 Calpis


必將 Certainly, Surely


必經 Must pass through


必然 Natural trend, Certainty


必修 Obligatory


必備 Mandatory, Essential


必須 Must, Have to, Had to, Had to be, Obligatory

必須 Having to eat, Have to eat

必須 Have to be, Has to be, Had to be

必須 Must have, Must include

我們必須 We must use

右側也必須 The right side must also have

那麼我們必須 Then we must use, We must then use

必須拿到 Must get, Need to get, Needs to get, Needed to get

必須知道 Need to know

必須突然 Suddenly have to, Suddenly has to, Suddenly having to, Suddenly had to, Have to abruptly, Has to abruptly, Having to abruptly, Had to abruptly

必須處理 Must be taken care of, Had to be taken care of

必須選拔 Must select, Must be selected

必須小心 You must be careful

必須做記錄 Had to be recorded, Had to be logged

必須非常確定 Would have to be pretty sure

就是必須搞清楚 Just have to know, Just have to see for one's self first-hand

必須拿垃圾出去 Must take the trash out

必須要鎮定下來 Needed to calm down, Needed to be calm

就是必須親眼看見 Just have to see for yourself first-hand

必須拿到一顆心臟 It needs to get a heart, It needed to get a heart

如果反應必須在特殊條件下才能進行 If the reaction requires certain conditions in order to proceed


必定 Sure to, Bound to, Highly likely to, Must


必麒 Pickering


必不可少 Essential


必需 Necessary to, Need to


必要 Necessary

必要 Unnecessary, Don't need, Doesn't need, Didn't need

十分必要 Essential, Necessary

都沒必要 Not needed, Not necessary

沒那個必要 Didn't need to, Didn't have to

必要 If necessary, When necessary

必要 Necessary

是有必要 Is necessary

必要省錢 No need to economize

必要省錢 No need to economize, Not necessary to be frugal, Isn't necessary to be frugal, Economizing is not necessary

必要提到 It needs to be mentioned that, It is necessary to mention that

必要時內置閃光燈將會自動彈起 If necessary the built in flash will automatically pop up


必有 Must have, Must have been

必有 Is a must, Was a must, Was needed


務必 Must, By all means, To be sure


何必 Why should


為必 Required, Mandatory


不必 Doesn't need to, Doesn't have to

從來不必 Never has to

不必 No need

不必 Don't need to be acting as

不必找了 Don't bother looking

不必再繳交 Don't need to pay again, Doesn't need to pay again


勢必 Inevitable, Certain, Sure, Certainly, Bound to, Undoubtedly

勢必喝到爛醉 Inevitably got drunk

幾乎勢必會去想 Would almost certainly have to wonder


未必 Not necessarily

不過倒也未必 Not necessarily, Perhaps not

未必是刻意 Probably not deliberately, Perhaps not deliberate, Perhaps not intentionally

未必是刻意這麼做 Probably didn't do it intentionally


想必 Presumably

想必 Think it must have been, Thinks it must have been, Thinking it must have been, Thought it must have been, Must have been

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