Index for words including 幫


Assist, Help, Support, Group, Gang, Party

Word Links for words containing 幫 (sorted via character pairs)

幫 bang¯
Assist, Help, Support, Group, Gang, Party

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


幫助 Help

幫助 Would help, Will help

互相幫助 Help each other

什麼樣的幫助 What kind of help?

沒出力氣幫助 Make no effort to help, Made no effort to help

不過確實有幫助 But it really helped

您需要什麼幫助 Do you need some kind of help or assistance, What kind of help or assistance do you need

他自己也沒出力氣幫助 He himself had not expended any effort to help, He himself had not done anything to help

她自己也沒出力氣幫助 She herself had not expended any effort to help, She herself had not lifted a finger to help

幫助 Helped

幫助 Helping others, Helping other people

幫助 Help you, Helps you, Helping you, Helped you

幫助 Helped

幫助 Will help

她需要什麼樣的幫助 What kind of help does she need?

幫助他們 Help them

幫助你更加熟練 Help you become more proficient

幫助過他一次 I helped him once

幫助他們頭髮長回來 Help their hair grow back


不會找不熟的人來幫她 Will not reach out to strangers to help her, Would not reach out to strangers to help her

她不需要人幫她打理床單 She didn't need turn-down service (at a hotel), She didn't need anyone making her bed for her


這會幫妳 This can help you


幫媽 Help mother, Helping mother


幫他 Help him, helped him

不會找不熟的人來幫他 Will not reach out to strangers to help him, Would not reach out to strangers to help him

幫他 Help them, To help them

幫他刷背 Scrub his back, Help him scrub his back

幫他擦背 Help him wash his back


幫你 Help connect you, Put your call through

我來幫你 Let me help you out, Let me help you

有什麼事我可以幫你 Is there something I can help you with?, Is there anything I can help you with?

這會幫你 This can help you

讓我來幫你 Allow me to help you


幫個 Do me a favor, Help me out


幫手 Help, Helper, Assistant

幫手 Little helper

幫手 Good helper, Good help

我們該把所有幫手都召集起來 We need all the help we can get


幫我 Come (and) help me

幫我查了 Helping me look

幫我一下吧 Give me a hand, Help me

幫我 Help us

幫我 Will help us, Can help us


幫派 Gang

幫派份子 Gang members

幫派的一份子 Part of a gang

一名落單的幫派份子 A single gang member


幫過 Helped


幫忙 Help, Assist, Assistance

幫忙 Help

需要幫忙 Needs help, Needs assistance

也許我能幫忙 Maybe I could help

竟然有需要別人幫忙 Actually needing someone else's help

幫忙我這件事 Help me in this matter

不知道能幫忙什麼 Didn't know what to do to help, Didn't know how to help

你有什麼急事需要幫忙 What is the urgent matter that you need help with

妳有什麼急事需要幫忙 What is the urgent matter that you need help with


幫不了我們 Couldn't help us


幫幫 Help


沒法子幫 No way can help


你幫 Help me

不用你幫忙了 Doesn't need your help, Don't need your help


會幫 This can help


一幫 Same group, Same gang


為什麼不幫 Why not help


想幫 Want's to help

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