Index for words including 已


Already, Stop, Cease, Then, Afterwards

Word Links for words containing 已 (sorted via character pairs)

已 yiˇ
Already, Stop, Cease, Then, Afterwards

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


已點 Lighted, Ignited


已隨歲月 Over the years

已隨歲月裡成 Over the years had become, Aged


已收 Been put away, Had been put away


已矣 An expression of desperation


已幾乎消失了 Was almost gone, Had almost disappeared


已絕 Extinct, Extinction

氣數已絕 Doomed


已經 Already

已經 I've been, I've already, I've

我們已經 We have

已經不在 Already gone

已經古舊 Ancient

已經太久 For so long, So ling

已經抵達 Already spent

已經暴露 Exposed, Uncovered, Known

已經眼花 Eyes are now too blurry to see properly, Eyes can now barely see

已經移除 Have removed, Has removed

已經給了 Had given

已經習慣 Gotten used to it, Fallen into the habit of

已經裝有 Already equipped with, Equipped with, Already installed

已經解開 Already untied

已經達到 Had already reached, Had already attained

已經鎖了 Was already locked

已經 I've taught, I've been teaching

已經蹲下 He was crouched down, He'd already crouched down, He'd squatted

已經在做了 Already doing it, Is already doing it, Am already doing it, Are already doing it, Was already doing it, Were already doing it

已經很累了 Very tired, Is very tired

已經有約了 Already have plans

已經派人到 Sent someone to, Sent people to

已經監聽到 Sensed, Picked up

已經警告過 Had warned, Had already warned

已經變成了 Turned into, Already changed into

已經來不及了 Already too late, Too late

已經夠難受了 Was bad enough

已經準備好了 Was ready, Was prepared

已經行不通了 No longer works, Doesn't work anymore

已經轉了過來 Turned around

已經兩千多年了 Over two thousand years ago

已經下定決心 I am determined

現在已經絕種了 Now extinct

我們已經不年輕了 We aren't getting any younger

已經在床上睡覺了 She is already in bed, She was already in bed

那似乎已經過了很久 That seemed so long ago

午餐時間已經過了許久 It was already well past lunch time

已經儘可能傾盡全力了 Did the best that one could

已經夠多事情要操心了 Got enough to worry about

可是已經比以前進步多了 It was better than before, It was better than it had been

已經蹲下在指尖摩弄一小撮泥土 He was already crouched down and rubbing a pinch of dirt between his fingertips

已經到了 Already arrived, Has arrived

已經都讓男爵的黨羽找到了 Has all been found by the Baron's henchmen

已經在等 Was waiting, Were waiting, Already waiting

已經存在了 Has existed, Has been around for

三個人已經在等 Three people were waiting

已經死了 Already dead, Was dead

已經死亡 Already dead

而被認定已經死亡 And so was assumed to be dead

已經變得 Has become

情況已經變了 Things have changed

已經在飛機上了 Already on the plane, Already in the air, On the plane now, In the air now

我們已經感染上了 We are infected

已經站起來一半 In the midst of standing up, Already getting up

已經下了整整一週 Up until now it had been raining for a whole week

已經越來越進步了 He is getting better, He was getting better, He is improving, He was improving

已經越來越進步了 She is getting better, She was getting better, She is improving, She was improving

已經坐吃山空到開始思考如何賺錢的地步了 He's already eaten into his savings to the point he was starting to think about how to make money

他的拳頭已經等在那裡 His fist was already there

她的拳頭已經等在那裡 Her fist was waiting right there

一個已經暴露的敵人藏身處 A known enemy hideout

他追蹤男爵到一個已經暴露的敵人藏身處 He tracked the Baron to an exposed enemy hideout


已然 Already


已久 Already been a long time, For a long time already

睽違已久又獲得的自由 Long lost freedom

好好品味睽違已久又獲得的自由 Enjoying the taste of freedom at last regained after so long


已知 Know that, Knew, Knew how, Knew how to


已無 No longer

已無大礙 Nothing serious happened


已停 Then stopped

已停 Had stopped

已停 Then stopped


已忘 Had forgotten, Had already forgotten


已染了風霜起了皺紋 Were weathered and wrinkled


已治 Already treated, Already taken care of (i.e. treated cavities)


已近 Almost, Nearly


已過 Past, Elapsed

已過的時間 Elapsed time


已達 Had been reached, Had been attained


已坐 Sat, Had sat


已入 Credited, Entered into an account


已對焦的 Just now focused, Focused


已聽見他的問題 Had heard his question, heard his question


已死 Was dead, Was already dead


寶刀已老 Lost the edge, Old and so not as valuable, Worn out


已超 Already more than


已有 Already have, Existing, Now have


已在那裡 Was there, Was already there

已在佛前求了 Prayed to the Buddha


已存 Existed


已接觸到了 Been exposed


已提及的 Already mentioned


早已 Already, Long ago

早已過時 Obsolete, No longer relevant

早已過時的系統 Obsolete system, Obsolete systems


得已 Have to, No other options, Last resort


不已 Incessant

疼痛不已 Painfully

讚歎不已 Amazed


而已 Merely, Only, That is all, Really

大概而已 Near enough, Roughly, More or less

才三天而已 It's only been three days

之類的東西而已 Merely some kind of

但不光是他而已 But it wasn't just him, But it wasn't just about him

她才十三歲而已 She's only thirteen

一年不過幾次而已 Just a few times a year

純粹只是殺時間而已 Purely just to kill time

只是幾個位置奇佳的島而已 Just a few islands in fantastic locations really

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