Index for words including 唯

weiˊ, weiˇ

Only, Philosophy, Ideal, Idealism, (Wei3), Yes, Affirmative Answer

Word Links for words containing 唯 (sorted via character pairs)

唯 weiˊ, weiˇ
Only, Philosophy, Ideal, Idealism, (Wei3), Yes, Affirmative Answer

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


唯一 The only, Only, The sole, Sole

他第一個也是目前唯一 His first and at present his only, Currently his first and only

唯一 Only, Single, Sole

唯一一個 The only one, The sole

不是唯一一個 Not the only one

唯一功能 Its only function

唯一原因 Sole reason, Whole reason

唯一工作 Sole job, Only job

唯一的方式 The only way, The only means of

唯一的途徑 The only way

唯一的壞處是 The only disadvantage is, The only bad point is

唯一適合的心臟 The only suitable heart, The only heart suitable

唯一確定的是 All I know for sure is

唯一能踩下煞車的只有你 The only one who can put on the brakes is you

唯一的孫輩 Only grandchild

目前唯一的孫輩 Only grandchild so far


唯有 Only, Just


唯獨 Only

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