Index for words including 個

ge˙, geˋ

Roughly, AFew, Single, Individual, Individuality, Separately, MW General Measure Word

Word Links for words containing 個 (sorted via character pairs)

個 ge˙, geˋ
Roughly, AFew, Single, Individual, Individuality, Separately, MW General Measure Word

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


個別 Individual, Separate, Individually, Separately

操控個別原子 Manipulate individual atoms


個圈 Turned in a circle, Turned all the way around


個星 Last week


個黑暗城堡 A black castle


個月 Last month

個月 2 months, Two months

個月 Six months

個月 Six months old, At the age of six months

個月種下 Planted last month


個體 Individual, Distinctive


個好幾年 A good few years

還可以活個好幾年 Still good for another few years, Good to go for a few more years


個幾 Stay a few days


個子 Size of a person, Person's build, Height

個子 Big person

個子 Little person

個子 Small size, Small in stature, Small in body

個子 He is tall, He was tall

我的個子 I am very tiny


個肩 Shrug, Shrugged


個兒 Size, Height, Stature


第二個監視螢幕 Second monitor


個名 Autograph, Sign

個名 Someone famous came


個例 Exception, An exception

先舉個例 Just to raise one example, Just to bring up one example

再舉個例 To give another example


個個 Each, All, Every one

個個 One by one, Each and every

個個 Each (person, City, Country, Thing, Question, Idea…), Every, All

個個 One-by-one


找了個借 Found an excuse

找了個借口不來這裡 Found an excuse not to come


個徒 An apprentice

他現在有了個徒 He has an apprentice now

她現在有了個徒 She now has an apprentice


個等 Nine Ranks, Nine Grades


翻了個筋 Somersault, Somersaults, Somersaulting, Somersaulted, Do a somersault

在半空中翻了個筋 Somersaulted in mid air, Flipped in mid air


個案 Case


不能開個窗戶來通風 Can't open a window for ventilation


他翻了個白 He rolled his eyes


個身 Turned around


個浪漫的女人 A romantic woman

個浪漫的情人 A romantic lover


個澡 Shower, Wash, Get clean

沖了個澡 Showered, Had a shower


個忙 Do me a favor, Help me out


個性 Personality

顛覆的個性 Subversiveness


個神經病 Neuropathy, A basket case


我帶了個禮物給你 I brought you a present


個人 Personal, Personally, Own, Oneself, Individual, Each individual's

個人支票 Personal cheque

個人 My own, My personal

個人的童年 My own childhood, My personal childhood

個人能力調 Adjust for individual ability, Adjust for individual competence


起了個念 A thought rose up, Came to mind

心裡悄悄的起了個念 A thought quietly came to mind, A thought quietly rose up and came to mind


個小 Six hours

撒了個小 Told a small lie

還有六個小 Still have six hours, Have six hours left

我們還有六個小 We still have six hours, We have six hours left

個小孩子過來 Send a kid, Sends a child, Sent a child


個藝術家 An artist


個頭 Size

變成個頭 Became a head, Turned into a head


個不 Keep busy, Keep occupied, Always busy, Always working

個不 Argued endlessly, Endlessly fought

個不 Endless sound (of)


個兩毛五的硬幣 Borrow a quarter


個電 Make a phone call


第二個數 The second number, Second number


個故 Lots of stories

我想跟你講個故 I want to tell you a story

個故事給你聽 Tell you lots of stories


個大圓圈 A big circle

個大塊頭 Big man, A big man

個大斜角 Large angle

個大迷宮 A large maze, A large labyrinth


抓了個東西 Grabbed something


個桶 A bucket, A barrel, A drum


個指節環 Had brass knuckles


個世 Last century, Previous century


另個 Other, Another

另個策略 Another strategy


哪個 Which one (of), Which one of these…

哪個最重要 Which is the most important

哪個科系 Which faculty, Which department, Which subject, What subject

上大學想念哪個科系 Want to study what subject at university, Wants to study what subject at university, Wanted to study what subject at university


四個 Four

被分成四個 Divided into four

四個 Four people

二十四個 24 months

借助絞車兩邊的四個 By means of four people on either side of the winch

四個方格 Four squares

四個長方形 Four rectangles

四個小長方形 Four small rectangles, Four smaller rectangles

分成四個區域 Divided into four areas

四個班級的學生 Four school classes, The students of four classes

只有四個人在現場 Only four people were present


是個 Is a, Are a, Am a, Is an, Are an, Am an

是個 Isn't a

是個 That is a, That was a, It was a

那就是個 Then that is a

是個合夥 A partner

是個憲兵 An MP, a Military Policeman

是個老人 An old man

是個謊言 Was a lie

是個殺手 I am a killer

是個聰明人 You are a clever person, You are a smart individual, You are an intelligent person

這裡是個小鎮 This was a small town, It was a small town

是個學步幼兒 Still a toddler

是個遙遠的煩惱 Was just a distant worry

是個受重視的客戶 A valued customer

是個訓練有素的殺人機器 A well trained killing machine

是個小氣的人 He is cheap, He was cheap, He is tight fisted, He is stingy

是個小氣的人 She is cheap, She was cheap, She is tight fisted, She is stingy

他只是個樂觀的人 He was an optimist

你只是個小孩子 You're just a child, You're just a kid

妳只是個小孩子 You're just a child, You're just a kid

你那時只是個小孩子 At the time you were just a child

這真是個有趣的問題 That's an interesting question

嗯這真是個有趣的問題 Well now, that's an interesting question


幾個 Some, A few, Several

幾個 More than a few, Many, A lot of

幾個 Had a few, Have a few

幾個 By several, By a few

少數幾個 A few, A handful

只怕沒有幾個 There aren't very many, There were very few

幾個 A few people, Several people

幾個 A few months

一連幾個 For a few months

其他幾個 A few other people, Several other people, Several others

幾個人影 A few figures, A few silhouettes, A handful of shadows

幾個星期的 Several weeks worth of

幾個想法 Had a few ideas, Have a few ideas

提了幾個問題 Mentioned a few problems, Brought up a few questions

幾個小朋友 By several children, By a few kids

幾個星期練習 Spent many weeks training or practicing

少數幾個工程師 A few engineers, A handful of engineers

一長串好幾個名字 A long list of names

幾個小朋友相伴 Accompanied by several children, Along with several children

幾個鬆弛肩膀的動作 A few exercises to relax the shoulder, A few shoulder loosening exercises

我實際上扮演好幾個角色 I actually play several roles all at once

只是幾個位置奇佳的島而已 Just a few islands in fantastic locations really

引起好幾個保持站立的婦人斥責的眼光 Drawing censorious looks from several still standing women, Drawing disapproving looks from a few women who stayed standing

幾個小孩 A few children, A couple of little kids

幾個小時 A few hours, Many hours

愉快地花幾個小時 Happily spend a few hours

他晚上要是能睡上幾個小時 If he could get a few hours sleep at night

她晚上要是能睡上幾個小時 If she could get a few hours sleep at night

幾個星期 A few weeks

得花上好幾個星期 It would take weeks

可能要花上幾個星期 May take a few weeks

幾個小時內 Within a few hours

還需要好幾個小時呢 It will take several hours, It will be a few hours yet, It would be a few hours yet

打了幾個耳光 Slapped around

被喝醉的男友打了幾個耳光 Slapped around by a drunken boyfriend

那是幾個月以前的事 That was a few months ago

只是幾個位置奇佳的島 Just a few fantastically located islands, Just a few islands in fantastic locations


那個 That

那個 That person

那個 That door

被他搶的那個 The person he had mugged

如果我認識那個 If I know that person, If that person is someone I know

那個孩子 That child

那個時代 In those days, At the time

那個當下 At that moment

那個必要 Didn't need to, Didn't have to

那個塔很高 That tower is tall, That tower was tall, That tower was high

那個死小孩 That bratt

那個狀況下 Under the circumstances

那個字就是嗨 That word was hi, That word was hello

那個穿黑衣的人 The man in black

不常參加那個聚會 Didn't often attend that meeting

之前來過的那個地方 The same place as last time

那個小組之所以偶有佳作 The reason for that unit's occasional outstanding successes

等到只剩下那個女孩一個人了 Wait until the girl is alone

那個座位 That seat

那個座位 Take that seat, Sit in that seat

那個門走出去 Go out that door

從那邊那個門走出去 Go out through that door over there

他不理會上頭那個人的嘲諷 He ignored the goading of the person above

她不理會上頭那個人的嘲諷 She ignored the goading of the person above


多個 Many


各個 Each

各個擊破 Defeat one-by-one

世界各個角落 All corners of the world


每個 Every, Each

每個 Every person, Every person's

每個 Each month, Every month

不是每個 Not everyone

每個光點 Each point of light

每個銀行 Banks, Each bank, Every bank

每個人都有 Every person has, Every person had, Each person has, Each person had

每個步驟都 Each step, Every step of the way

每個人的需求 Every persons needs, Every persons requirements

每個人一樣 Like anyone else, Like everyone else, Like anyone

每個小時都要跑一趟 Runs every hour

大約每個小時都要跑一趟 Runs every hour or so


做個 Make a

做個 Be a good, Act as a good

這可做個 This could be a good, This could act as a good


像個 Like, Seeming like


億個 A billion


千個 Nearly one thousand, A thousand or so

有上千個 Thousands


衝個 Crashing (waves)


笑個 Laugh


六個 Sixteen


泡個 Bubble, Soak in

泡個熱水澡 Soaked in a hot bath


這個 This, These, The

這個 Do this, Doing this

弄到這個 Get this

找到這個 Found this

見過這個 Seen this, Seen this one

這個 This person

這個 Well, Here it is

這個 This family

這個 This talent

這個 Like this

這個 The word, This word, This phrase

終於從齒縫中擠出這個 After much struggle, finally say

這個世界 This world, The world

俯看這個世界 Looking out over the world

這個動作 This movement

這個動作 Do this movement, Perform this movement

這個原理 This principle, These principles

這個計劃 This project

這個話題 This topic

這個連結 This link, This connection

這個人答道 The man said

這個多項式 This polynomial

只有這個可能 That was the only explanation

這個狀況下 In this condition, In this situation, In this state

這個念頭導致 This thought led to

這個座位是空的 This seat is free, This seat is not taken

這個是哪一年的 What year is this one?

在教這個女孩識字 Teaching this girl to read

擋在這個國家之外 Keep out of the country, Keep out of this country

這個人怎麼沒有頭 How is it that this person has no head

這個問題不知怎的 This question somehow, Something about this question

這個問題的核心是 The crux of the matter is

重複這個動作幾次 Repeat this movement a few times

我就是為這個過來的 That's why I came here

這個東西起死回生 Bring this thing back to life, Brought this thing back to life, Revived this thing

這個計劃的團隊負責 A team leader on this project, This project's team leader

重複這個動作幾次後 After repeating this movement a few times

這個人難道不能直接 But couldn't this person just

從來沒跟這個人講過話 Had never spoken with this person

這個多項式各項分別為 The terms of this polynomial are

可是別人可以拿這個名字來對付他們 But others can use this against them

我只不過是要別人欣賞我這個人罷了 I just want others to appreciate me for who I am

我為了這個快要趕不上和家人共進晚餐了 This is making me late for dinner with the family

這個問題 This question, This problem

解決這個問題 Solve this problem, Resolve this issue

這個建議 This suggestion

聽到這個建議 Heard this suggestion

這個時代 These days, Nowadays, At this time, Now

這個時候 Utilized that time, Utilized this time, During this time

一年的這個時期 Every year around this time, At this time of year

去年的這個時候 This time last year

到一年的這個時期 At this time of year

這個般田地 This situation

落到這個般田地 How'd you end up in this situation

這個年紀時 At your age, About your age

到了差不多妳這個年紀時 Get to about your age, When getting to about your age

我就是這個意思 That's exactly what I mean, That's exactly what I meant

思考一下顛覆這個詞的意義 Ponder the meaning of the word subversive

實在不太喜歡這個畫面 Really don't like the look of this picture, Really don't like the way things are looking, Really don't like the way that this looks

我實在不太喜歡這個畫面 I really don't like the look of this picture, I really don't like the way things are looking, I really don't like the way that this looks


過個 Experienced, Had


八個 Eight

八個 Eighteen

八個 Eight people


半個 Half, Half of

他們沒有半個 None of them

半個小時 Half an hour

半個花生醬三明治 Half A Peanut Butter Sandwich


如果我想當個 If I wanted to be a


萬個 Ten thousand

萬個 One-hundred thousand

萬個 Millions

萬個原子 One hundred thousand atoms


某個 Some, Certain, Particular, In particular, A particular

距離某個 A certain distance

某個 A particular person, Someone

某個怪人 Some weirdo

某個人殺了 Kill someone, Killed someone

某個地方定下來 Settle down somewhere

坐在某個四人座裡 Sitting in a booth, Sitting in a four person booth

距離某個中心理想還不算太遠 Not too far from a central ideal

某個舒適的小咖啡館外頭喝酒 Drinking outside some comfortable little cafe

某個地方 A particular place

停留在某個地方 Stay somewhere, Pick a place to stay


一個 A/An, A, An

一個 The next

一個 The other, Another

一個 Same, The same

一個 Which one

一個 Has, in addition, Has an additional

一個 Has one, One of, One of the

一個 Every, Each and every

一個 By a

一個 Smile

一個 First

一個一個 One by one

他第一個 His first

其中一個 Any one of, One of

另外一個 Another

只有一個 Only have one

吃下一個 Ate one

唯一一個 The only one, The sole

過了一個 After a, After an

一個接一個 One after another

旁是另一個 Next to another

是另外一個 The other other one

不是唯一一個 Not the only one

指著其中一個 Pointed at one of them, Pointed at one of these

只關心其中一個 Only cared about one of them, Was only concerned about one of them

儲存槽旁是另一個 Next to the storage tank is another

在他前面的人有一個 One of the people in front of him

一個 A person

一個 One by one, Each and every

一個 1 month, One month

一個 A battalion

一個 One egg, An egg

一個 A point

一個個的 One-by-one

一個 Another person

一個 The other guy, The other man

一個 One month, There was one month

一個 Each and every person, Everybody

一個 The first number, First number

再過一個 Just over a month

就你一個 Just you, Just you, alone

就妳一個 Just you, Just you, alone

沒說一個 Didn't say a word, Didn't say anything

載著一個 Carry one person

轟了一個 Blew a hole

卻沒說一個 But didn't say a word, But didn't say anything

只有他一個 He is alone, He was alone

得到了一個 Got a kiss

我看到一個 I see one now

他們其中一個 One of them

我想我看到一個 I believe I see one know

所以你才會一個 That's why you are alone, That's why you were alone

所以妳才會一個 That's why you are alone, That's why you were alone

一個人影 Silhouette of a person, Shadow of one person

一個人的 A person's

一個小小穿白裙的人形 A small figure wearing a white dress

等到只剩下他一個人了 Wait until he is alone

等到只剩下她一個人了 Wait until she is alone

一個反射在鏡子裡的人形 A figure reflected in a mirror, A reflected figure in a mirror, A reflected image in a mirror

等到只剩下那個女孩一個人了 Wait until the girl is alone

一個位置 A position

這麼一個位置 Such a position

一個勁兒 Keep going

一個月後 A month later

一個特點 A feature or characteristic

一個年輕人 A young person, A young man

一個星期中 During a week, Within a week

一個氮元素 A nitrogen element, An element of nitrogen

一個空油箱 An empty fuel tank

一個辦公室 A single office

一個起點 As a starting point

一個世紀 The previous century

一個部分 The other part

一個論點 The same issue, The same argument, The same point

一個側管 Has an additional side tube

一個輪輻 Each spoke, Every spoke

一個念頭 First thought

一個人都沒有 There's no one here, There isn't even one person here

一個圓形凹陷 A circular depression

一個秘密基地 A secret base

一個起司漢堡 A cheeseburger

作為一個學生 As a student

作為一個銀行 As a bank

你另一個病人 Another of your patients

一個儲存槽 Another storage tank

最後一個做好 Last to finish

一個要刺青 Having a tattoo done

一個晚上才 Only for one particular night

紮了一個架子 Tied together a framework

給另一個客戶 Give to another customer or client

聽見一個聲音 Heard a sound

一個固定的工作 A regular job

一個大大的愛心 A big heart (shape)

一個大視窗打開 Then a large pane opened, Then a large window opened, Then a large panel opened

一個自我性行為 Self gratification (act of), Sexual self gratification (act of)

四分之一個圓形 A quadrant, One quadrant

一個池塘中央 In the center of a pond, In the middle of a pond

我是一個人來的 I came alone

按下另一個按鈕 Pressed another button

提著一個工具箱 Holding a tool box

有那麼一個地方 There is such a place, There was such a place

一個儲存槽旁 Next to each tank

一個巨大水管 Use one giant pipe, Using one giant pipe

發現了一個蟲洞 Discovered a wormhole

除了第一個之外 Except for the first one, Except the first one

一個星期五的下午 One Friday afternoon, On a Friday afternoon

一個空油箱的容量 An empty fuel tanks capacity

他們雇了一個腳夫 They had hired a porter

一個分子數較多 Which molecular number is bigger

想出來了一個辦法 Come up with a means of, Come up with a method for

打開其中一個抽屜 Opened one of the drawers

看著我的一個同事 Look at one of my colleagues, Looked at one of my colleagues, Look at a colleague of mine

一個小孩子接了電話 A child answered the phone

其中一個自動對焦點 Any one of the auto focus points

一個原子或分子的質量 The mass of an atom or molecule

他第一個也是目前唯一 His first and at present his only, Currently his first and only

你是第一個跟她聯絡的 You're the first to contact her, You're the first to get back to her

我自己一個人沒辦法做 I can't do it alone

生活在一個生態系統裡 Living within an ecosystem

一個父親能做的最好投資 The best investment a father could make

他的第一個衝動是抽開手 His first impulse was to pull his hand away

其中一個自動對焦點對準 Aim any one auto focus point

其中沒有一個人有啤酒肚 Not one person among them had a beergut or beer belly

拿出一個黑色三孔活頁夾 Took out a black three ring binder

看我一個人有沒有辦法應付 To see if I could handle it alone

那另一個缺少的成分是什麼 What is the other missing ingredient?, What was the other missing ingredient

一個勇敢的人面臨苦難而面無懼色 In the face of adversity a brave man shows no fear, A brave man smiles in the face of adversity

看都沒看就點了一個起司漢堡和一杯汽水 Ordered a cheeseburger and soda without looking

形成一個在未來將會影響他政治見解的看法 Form an idea or opinion that would in the future shape his political views

一個呵欠 A yawn

壓下了一個呵欠 Stifled a yawn, Suppressed a yawn

一個大坑 A big pit, A big hole

一個較大的 A larger

一個小門 A small gate

一個白人小孩 A white kid

一個成分 An ingredient

少了一個成分 Missing an ingredient

缺乏一個成分 Lack an ingredient, Lacked an ingredient

這最後一個成分 This final ingredient, This last ingredient

那另一個缺少的成分 The other missing ingredient, That other missing ingredient

一個晚上 A night, One night

一個晚上 Stay one night, One night

一個晚上 One particular night, For one night, For one particular night

然後會有一個晚上 Then there would be a night, Then would come one night

一個決定 A decision

做了一個決定 Made a decision

一個環帶 A belt, A loop, A ring

形成一個環帶 Form a loop, Forming a belt

一個生氣 An angry

一個人的生活 A person's life, One person's life

一個禮物 A gift, A present

一個小禮物 A small gift, A tiny present

一個缺角 A missing corner, Missing a corner

一個最大的缺點 Has one big downside, Had one big downside

一個小機器 A small device

一個機會 Had one chance

願意用一切交換一個機會 Willing to do anything for the chance to, Willing to do anything in exchange for the chance to

我願意用一切交換一個機會 I'd do anything for the chance to, I'd give anything for the chance to

一個新名字 A new name

一個新名字 Take a new name, Takes a new name, Taking a new name, Took a new name

一個新科技 A new technology

創造出一個新科技 Invent a new technology

一個轉身 He turned

一個轉身 She turned

一個速率 At one rate

以另一個速率 At a different rate

一個威脅 A new threat, Another threat

都是另一個威脅 Was a new threat

一個營來 Send a battalion

他們得派一個營來 They need to send a battalion, They will need to send a battalion, They have to send a battalion, They will have to send a battalion

一個亭子 Built a pavilion

一個四面有柱子撐住上面有蓋的亭子 Built a pavilion with supporting pillars on four sides and a roof above

一個出其不意 A suprise

一個你都找不到 Not one more would you find

一個清晰的像 A clear image

一個騎車的人 Another rider, Another cyclist

你會是我第一個殺掉的人 You will be the first person I kill

妳會是我第一個殺掉的人 You will be the first person I kill

一個很不想嗅到什麼的人 Like a person eager not to sense a smell

一個不朽的見證 An immortal witness

一個不朽的見證 Like an immortal witness

告訴你一個秘密 Tell you a secret

我這可是告訴你一個秘密 I tell you this in all confidence

一個金髮白人女孩 A blonde white girl

一個深色頭髮的女孩 A dark-haired girl

一個矮胖的亞洲男孩 A pudgy Asian boy

一個徹徹底底的偽君子 An absolute hypocrite

說這句話就會是一個徹徹底底的偽君子 To say this would be the height of hypocrisy, Saying this was the height of hypocrisy

一個已經暴露的敵人藏身處 A known enemy hideout

他追蹤男爵到一個已經暴露的敵人藏身處 He tracked the Baron to an exposed enemy hideout

一個跟他一模一樣的複製品 An exact copy of him, An exact replica of himself

一個跟她一模一樣的複製品 An exact copy of her, An exact replica of herself

一個外貌差不多的男士主持 Hosted by a man of similar appearance

將其中一個自動對焦點對準主體 Aim any one of the auto focus points at the subject

那麼是什麼使一個人的生活比另一個有趣 What makes one person's life more interesting than another's?


三個 Three

三個 Has three

三個 Third, The third

三個 Three people, 3 people

三個 Three characters

三個 3 months, Three months

三個 These three characters

在過去三個 Over the last three months, For the last three months

三個孩子 Three children

三個尖角 Three corners

三個彈匣 Three magazines

三個長方形 Three rectangles

三個人種 Thirteen races of man, Thirteen races

三個人已經在等 Three people were waiting

三個月前 Three months prior

三個月後 Three months later

前的三個月左右 About three months before

壞事發生前的三個月左右 About three months before the horrible event occurred


五個 Five, 5

五個 Four or five


下個 The next, Next

下個 Next month, Month after this month

下個不停 Rains non-stop, Doesn't stop raining

大雨還是下個不停 The heavy rain continued, It continued to rain heavily, non-stop


兩個 Two

兩個 One or two

兩個 These two

其中兩個 Two of them

我們兩個 We two, Us two

後面那兩個 Those last two, Those latter two, The last two, The latter two, The two at the back

其實是少了兩個 It is two things that are missing actually, In fact it is two things that are lacking

我要宰了你們兩個 I'm going to kill you both

兩個 Two people

兩個 Two months

兩個 Both

兩個 These two values

兩個星期 Two weeks

兩個晚上 Two nights

兩個星期前 Two weeks ago

兩個正方形 Two squares

兩個都不是 Been neither of them

兩個女兒 My two daughters, My two girls

兩個月大 Just two months old

兩個恐怖的瘤 Two monstrous growths

我睡了兩個小時 I slept for two hours, I had two hours sleep

造成兩個直接影響 Had two direct effects

打開兩個世界之間的通道 Open a passage between two worlds, Opening a portal between two worlds

值得兩個國家為它爆發戰爭 Valuable enough for two countries to go to war over it

兩個男人 Two men

兩個男人 There were two men

兩個人都不理他 They ignored him

兩個人都不理她 They ignored her


二個 Second


取個 With a, Given a, Having a


百個 Hundred, A hundred

百個 Hundreds, A few hundred


數個 Several, Number of


十個 Ten, 10

三百五十個 Three hundred and fifty


整個 Whole

整個 Whole city

整個 Whole group, Entire team

整個 A whole month

整個下午 The whole afternoon

整個戰爭 The whole war

整個過程的速度 The speed of this process, The speed of the process

尿得整個馬桶圈到處都是 Pee all over the toilet seat

把擔架整個滑入直升機裡 Slid the stretcher completely into the helicopter

那是整個戰爭裡最為人津津樂道的一場仗 It was the most talked about battle of the whole war


有個 There is, Has a, Have

有個 There is also a, There is also an

有個想法 Had an idea

忽然有個瘋狂的想法 Suddenly had a crazy idea

有個習慣 Have a habit, Has a habit, Had a habit

有個簡單的練習 A simple exercise

有個成年男人支持 Have the support of a grown man

有個較崇高的頭銜 Had a loftier title, Had the loftier title of

有個內建的解決方法 Had a solution built in, Had a built in solution

有個女侍拿著菜單走來 A waitress came over with menus, The waitress came over with menus

讓我有個目標 Gave me something do to, Gave me something to work towards, Gave me a goal

他的行動有個目標 His actions have a purpose, His actions had a purpose

她的行動有個目標 Her actions have a purpose, Her actions had a purpose

有個巫師看見了他 A sorcerer saw him, A sorcerer had seen him

有個巫師看見了她 A sorcerer saw her, A sorcerer had seen her


找個 Find a

找個 Wanted to find a

找個地方 Find somewhere

他想找個把風的工作 He sought a job as a lookout, He looked for work as a lookout

我們找個地方私下說 Let's find somewhere to talk in private


七個 Seven

七個男人 Seven men

坐著七個男人 Seven men sat, Sat seven men

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